My Thanksgiving Day Fantasy

Jamie, let me tell you about my last night and this morning. I hopped into bed, laying there, my mind a frenzy of sexual energy. Something about Thanksgiving had me sidetracked, but at its conclusion, my idle mind went to its most comfortable place. The mental image filling my mind was the sight of your …

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How It All Began

Have you ever stumbled into the office late, coffee already spilled all over your white shirt, the messy bun you slept in hastily repositioned on the top of your head only to turn the corner into your cubicle and he is there? That one guy in the office who is sexy as fuck, but has no idea? …

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Who is Jamie? The Beginning

Walking down the aisle of my office, I noticed a stunning woman with long dark hair. She has a slight grin, but not quite full smile, her eyes are dark and magic, surrounded by a sea of perfect skin, she walks with graceful confidence. Focused, she stares straight past me to her destination. She has …

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